+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ° + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Graphic expression with oil paint, spangles and mixed technique.
Medium of resin statuette, Height of 8 cm / 3.14 ins
Symbol • Strata
Photo Session °
Literature Extract °
. . .
Some figures
appeared so vaguely in the half-light,
that we could mistake them for ghosts ;
whereas several others,
struck by scattered glimmers,
attracted attention like the main heads of a painting.
The statues seemed to be animated
and the persons felt like petrified.
Here and there,
some eyes shone in the hollow of pillars,
the stone cast glances,
the marble spoke,
the vaults repeated sighs,
the whole edifice was endowed with life.
. . .
Master Cornelius - 1831
Music Shot °
Feather °
Special effects - Note : none of the photographs nor the shots are retouched or remixed.