+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ° + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Graphic expression with oil paints, mixed technique and matte varnish.
Medium of resin statuette, Height of 8 cm / 3.14 ins
Symbol • Load weight
Photo Session °
Literature Extract °
The bright and vermilion Dawn
Prepares the way to the following sun ;
All laughs to the first strokes of the awakening day,
Remove, demons, that fly in the night.
Vanish, illusions, untruthful troop,
Dangerous enemies being delivered by the night :
And flee with you the shameful memory
Of objects you introduced to our senses.
. . .
Jean Racine
À Laudes. VI - 1688
Music Shot °
Feather °
Special effects - Note : none of the photographs nor the shots are retouched or remixed.