+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ° + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Graphic expression with acrylics, felt-tip pen and mixed technique.
Medium of resin statuette, Height of 8 cm / 3.14 ins
Symbol • Wiring
Photo Session °
Literature Extract °
Whatever it is,
and although the pains, when we do not welcome them,
know how to be reserved for the future resurgences
and stroll in us surreptitiously,
that one,
that day,
had been received with coldness.
Raymond Abellio
Happy the Peaceable Ones - 1946
Music Shot °
Music - Copyrights : restricted diffusion, viewing upon request.
Feather °
Special effects - Note : none of the photographs nor the shots are retouched or remixed.